Flooring Replacement Options to Consider After Water Damage

When water damage strikes your home, one of the most significant and urgent challenges homeowners face is flooring replacement. In Spokane, Washington, where weather can contribute to such incidents, understanding the scope and depth of damage to flooring materials is crucial. Whether it's a burst pipe in the kitchen or an overflowing bathtub affecting the bathroom floor, the integrity of the visible and hidden subflooring can be compromised. Safeway Restoration specializes in assessing and addressing these damages, offering tailored solutions for flooring replacement. From hardwood floors to carpets and tiles, choosing the right replacement option not only restores the aesthetic appeal of your home but also ensures its safety and durability for years to come.

After water leaks, you will need to assess water for water damage to your flooring in Spokane.

Assessing Water Damage: When to Replace Your Flooring

Properly assessing the extent of water damage to flooring is critical in determining whether repair or total replacement is necessary. Each flooring material reacts differently to water exposure; understanding these nuances can save time and money. Here’s how to evaluate the damage and recognize the signs that point to the need for replacement:

Hardwood Floors

  • Warping or Buckling: Wood absorbs water, which can cause the planks to warp or buckle. If the boards do not return to their original shape after drying, replacement is often necessary.
  • Discoloration: Persistent stains or discoloration can indicate severe water damage that might not be fixable with sanding or refinishing.

Have water damage on your hardwood floors? Check out our guide on repairing hardwood water damage.


  • Persistent Odor: A musty or moldy smell that persists after thorough cleaning may indicate that water has penetrated the fibers or the pad, requiring replacement.
  • Delamination: This occurs when the backing separates from the carpet fiber. Water can cause the glue to dissolve, leading to the need for total replacement.

Laminate Flooring

  • Swelling or Peeling: Laminate flooring is not highly water-resistant. Swelling or peeling at the edges indicates that the laminate has absorbed water and may need replacement.


  • Loose Tiles: Water can weaken the adhesive bond that holds tiles in place, causing them to become loose or come off entirely.
  • Grout Damage: If grout has become extensively stained or crumbled, water can seep underneath tiles, potentially damaging the subfloor.

Should I Check My Subfloor for Water Damage?

  • Structural Integrity: The subfloor, often made of plywood or concrete, is crucial for the structural integrity of your flooring. Water damage to the subfloor can lead to instability, mold growth, and further deterioration — you need to act fast if you have structural water damage.
  • Visible Mold and Deterioration: Signs of mold growth or deterioration in the subfloor require immediate action, often involving removing the damaged flooring for a thorough inspection and possible replacement of the subfloor. Mold removal and remediation cannot wait.

Determining the extent of water damage and the subfloor's condition is essential in making an informed decision between repairing and replacing flooring.

Unsure if Your Insurance Will Cover Flooring Replacement After a Water Leak to Your Spokane Home?

Safeway Restoration is here to answer any of your insurance questions and take care of all the details.

Hardwood floors is one replacement option that offer a timeless aesthetic to your Spokane home.

Options for Flooring Replacement after Water Damage

After water damage, choosing a suitable flooring material is crucial to ensure durability and prevent future issues. Here's an overview of various flooring options, considering their suitability for replacement after water damage:

Hardwood Floors

Benefits and Drawbacks

  • Benefits: Hardwood floors offer a timeless aesthetic and can increase the value of your home. They are durable if maintained properly and can be refinished several times over their lifespan.
  • Drawbacks: Hardwood is susceptible to water damage, which can cause warping, buckling, and mold growth under prolonged exposure.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

  • Installation: Ensure proper sealing and finishing during installation to minimize water penetration.
  • Maintenance: Regular cleaning and immediate attention to spills can prevent water damage. Consider using humidifiers or dehumidifiers to maintain optimal indoor humidity levels and protect the wood.

Carpet and Carpet Replacement

When to Replace Your Carpet

  • Replace carpets when they retain a musty odor after cleaning, show signs of mold, or the padding has deteriorated, which is common after flooding.

Advantages of Carpet Replacement

  • Comfort: Carpets provide warmth and comfort underfoot, making them ideal for living areas and bedrooms.
  • Cost-Effective: Carpet can be a cost-effective flooring option, with various choices to fit different budgets.
After water damage a good floor replacement is tile in a moist environment.

Laminate Flooring

Resilience to Water Damage

  • Laminate flooring offers a hardwood look at a lower cost but is generally less water-resistant than other flooring types. However, newer high-quality laminates are designed to be more water-resistant.

Considerations for Choosing Laminate

  • Quality: Opt for a higher-quality laminate with better water resistance. Some laminates have special coatings to resist moisture.
  • Installation: Ensure it is installed with minimal gaps to prevent water from seeping underneath.

Tile Flooring

Benefits for Moisture-Prone Areas

  • Durability: The tile is highly durable and water-resistant, ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
  • Maintenance: The tile is easy to clean and doesn't harbor mold or mildew easily.

Recommended Types of Tile

  • Porcelain and Ceramic are excellent for high moisture areas due to their low water absorption rates.
  • Stone Tiles: Natural stone tiles, such as granite or marble, provide unique aesthetics but require sealing to enhance water resistance.

Choosing the right flooring type post-water damage involves considering the specific needs of each room, your budget, and long-term maintenance. Consulting with experts like those at Safeway Restoration in Spokane, WA, will guide in selecting and installing the most suitable flooring to meet your needs and ensure lasting satisfaction.

Choosing the Right Flooring After Water Damage in Spokane

Selecting the appropriate flooring replacement after water damage is crucial for your home's long-term resilience and aesthetic appeal. Each type of flooring—hardwood, carpet, laminate, or tile—offers distinct benefits and considerations. For homeowners with water damage in Spokane, WA, navigating the myriad options and ensuring a high-quality installation can be daunting. Consulting with the professionals at Safeway Restoration provides access to expert guidance and efficient service for cleaning up water damage, ensuring that your flooring replacement meets your needs and enhances your home's safety and beauty. Contact Safeway Restoration to secure your home with the best flooring solutions for post-water damage.

Looking for a Professional Contactor to Repair Floor Damage from Water Leaks?

Safeway Restoration is your local Spokane contractor here to help restore your home from water damage.

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