6 Signs Your Roof Has Storm Damage

When a severe storm passes through your area, it can leave damage in its wake. Your roof may be the first to take the brunt of Nature’s force, leading to storm damage that needs immediate attention. But how do you know if your own roof has suffered from damage or not?

To ensure your home is protected against further harm, Safeway Restoration—one of the best roofing companies Spokane offers—is here with a comprehensive guide on recognizing if there’s been storm-related harm and what to do about it. Keep reading for our top 10 signs that prove your house was affected by storms – and get peace of mind soon!

1) Missing or damaged shingles - replace shingles that are cracked, bent, or missing to help prevent water from entering your home

Missing or damaged shingles can cause significant problems for your home, from water leaks to compromised structural integrity. It is important to regularly inspect your roof and replace any shingles that are cracked, bent, or missing. While it may seem like a small issue, even a few damaged shingles can lead to major problems over time.

If you are unsure about how to replace shingles, consult with a professional contractor like Safeway Restoration who can ensure that the job is done safely and effectively. Taking the time to address missing or damaged shingles now will save you a headache in the future and help keep your home safe and secure.

2) Flashing issues - inspect the seals around your chimneys and vent pipes for signs of damage or wear and tear

If you've experienced any unexpected flashing issues, it's worth taking a closer look at the seals around your chimneys and vent pipes. Over time, these seals can start to show signs of damage or wear and tear, which can lead to leaks and other costly repairs. Inspecting these seals regularly is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your roof and protecting your home from water damage.

If you notice any cracks, gaps, or other damage, it's essential to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage down the line. By staying vigilant and proactive with your roof maintenance, you can ensure that your home remains safe, secure, and protected for years to come.

3) Leaks in the attic - check for water stains on the walls and ceilings of your attic which could be a sign of a roof leak

When it comes to maintaining your home, one important area to check regularly is your attic. Not only can issues up there impact the overall integrity of your roof, but they can also go unnoticed for a long time - potentially causing extensive damage before they're caught. One issue to look out for specifically is leaks. If left unchecked, water infiltration can lead to extensive rot, mold, and even structural damage.

To catch leaks early, it's important to routinely inspect your attic for water stains on the walls and ceilings. While it may seem trivial, this small action could save you a lot of headaches and money in the long run.

4) Excessive moss growth - this can cause deterioration of your roof if it isn't removed soon

Excessive moss growth on your roof is a common problem that many homeowners face. Although moss may seem harmless, it can cause serious damage to your roof if left unchecked. Moss holds onto water which can seep into the shingles and cause deterioration over time. Additionally, as the moss grows, it can lift the shingles causing further damage.

To prevent costly roof repairs, it's important to remove moss as soon as possible. There are a variety of methods for moss removal, including power washing and chemical treatments. It's recommended to hire a professional to ensure the job is done safely and effectively. Don't wait until it's too late, take action now to protect your roof from the harmful effects of excessive moss growth.

Roof damage to shingles and gutters

5) Clogged gutters - clear out all debris from gutters and downspouts to avoid water pooling on the roof which leads to structural damage

It's important to keep your gutters clean and free from debris at all times. When gutters become clogged, rainwater can no longer flow freely through the downspouts and off the roof. Instead, it pools on the roof and causes all sorts of problems, from leaks to structural damage.

To avoid these issues, it's important to clear out all debris from your gutters and downspouts. This can be done by using a ladder and a garden hose or hiring a professional. By doing this on a regular basis, you'll keep your home safe and sound for years to come.

6) Missing granules from shingles - granules form a protective layer over the shingles and their absence can lead to premature aging of your roof

Shingles are a vital component of your roof, protecting your home from external elements. They are designed to withstand wear and tear, but over time, they can lose their protective granules. Granules form a layer over the shingles, which helps them to deflect UV rays and water. Once these granules are missing, your roof can suffer from premature aging, which means it might need to be replaced sooner than expected. Luckily, there are ways to prevent this from happening. It's important to maintain your roof regularly and to have it inspected by professionals if you suspect any issues. By being diligent, you can ensure that your roof remains strong and effective for years to come.

Your roof can be damaged by storms in many ways. Missing or damaged shingles, flashing issues, leaks in the attic, excessive moss growth, clogged gutters and missing granules from shingles are all signs that your roof may have storm damage. Keeping an eye out for these signs will help you protect your home from further damage.

If you come across any of these signs of a Spokane wind storm, rain, hail or snow damage in Spokane, Washington, it’s best to take action as soon as possible. Safeway Restoration provides top-of-the-line assistance when it comes to restoring your roof and providing a safe home environment. With their expertise and years of experience, they can certainly help get you on the path to a sturdier roof and peace of mind.

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